Friday, October 26, 2012

Filmy Vikend: Part III

View from our cabin
     Wow! Whenever I think back to three years ago this weekend--my very first Czech weekend away. The fear and trepidation that preceded that weekend, the awkwardness of the whole experience of travelling someplace with people you don't know being compounded with an utter lack of understanding anything and I mean anything--the language, culture, what or how to pack, where we were going, how were would get there, what we would do, what my role was, and remember again it was all in a different language. And I compare it to the past weekend. It amazes me what can happen in three years and how the Lord can work miracles and answer prayers. I am happy to say I actually understood the leaders' prep emails sent in Czech, I knew the kids that were going, I actually feel like a part of the ministry team working with the youth, and I now consider this to be one of the best weekends of the year. (Trust me, my language skills are far from perfect and just about everyday I have some sort of culture issue, but it is incredible how the Lord can use our inadequacies). 

Leaders after a crazy frisbee golf game in which we were the holes
    Just so you know, Film Weekend is, quite obviously, a weekend where youth are invited to the mountains to watch films in English from a Christian perspective. This year we watched Forrest Gump, The Hunger Games, Robin Hood, and The Incredibles. After each film, the kids get in discussion groups to answer some questions. Then, a leader gives a short talk about how they viewed the film. For example, this year after The Hunger Games the leader talked about how the main character, Katniss, chose to sacrifice herself for her sister out of love just as Jesus sacrificed himself for each of us because he loved us. This weekend is a great wekkend that is low-key and non-threatening for kids that aren't Christians to talk about Jesus. I am so glad for the courage the Lord gave both the kids and me that first year because film weekend is really an incredible experience!

The kids watching the pre-movie skit