Spring!! Every year during this time, I feel an awakening. I am more excited about almost everything and the promise of new things in this world. And for the first time in months, it isn't so terrible to have to wake up extremely early. Mostly because here in the Czech Republic, the sun rises just before 5 in the morning and doesn't set until almost 10. The flowers are out and the warm weather, after a particularly arctic winter, has returned. It is a fantastic time of the year! A great time to learn about rebirth and grace, to go out and enjoy God's creation and stretch our bodies following a long hibernation.
While I thoroughly relish this time each year, for those in my organization, it can be a trying time. The decision of whether to stay where we are in-country or choose something else to do for the following year has been looming over all of us since we first arrived in the autumn. Now, at the beginning of spring, decision time is no longer in the distance, but here. For some, the decision seems logical, they seem to know where they are headed at this point--home or here and to what end. For most of us, the decision is agonizing. We feel the pressure to do the right thing, to make the correct choice, but sometimes it just doesn't seem clear or maybe it feels too open.
This year, my decision has been a struggle to make. Both the US and Czech have so many opportunities and hold so many hopes for me. This year, more than any other, I felt as though the decision I made would change my life drastically. In the States, I would be closer to family and friends, I could return to school if I wanted, and I could be more settled in a permanent job with a home of my own, I could find what purpose God would have for me in some school in America or in some other situation. In Czech, I would be able to continue growing the relationships that I have built with my students and the friends that I have made here. I would be able to continue working at a school in which I really believe and its ministry. I could continue the work that I know the Lord brought me here to do.
I spent a lot of time searching and asking God where He wants me to be next year. During this time I have felt as though I have grown so much closer to the Lord. I realized that in this decision, He was saying, "Chelsea, you have followed me here to the Czech Republic and done what I have asked here for the past two years. This next year, you can choose, stay or go, and I will be with you." I truly believe that neither decision I would make was wrong, and in the end, I felt as though here in the CZ is where I belong next year.
I believe that the Lord is working here in CZ and in my relationships with my students and the YoungLife kids that I am getting to know. I am only just beginning to see the fruit of my labor here with some relationships finally taking off and conversations occurring about life-altering topics.
One area that I see the Lord working most is in a few of relationships with some of my students. With some of them, I have become friends and we are able to meet regularly outside of class. We have a relationship that started just in the classroom, being able to discuss so many different topics and learn about each other; and now, these relationships translate into coffee dates and days with their family. It has been an incredible situation and so different than any experience I would have with students in America.
Another place that I have seen growth and can see God working is in some of my friendships with the ex-patriates in the city. The discussions that we have have not only challenged them, but I know that they have strengthened my relationship with Christ as I have grow in my knowledge of His Word and the characteristics of God. Studying and talking about who He is compared with their perceptions and past experiences.
I can also see Christ in the time that I spend with other Christians here. I hope and pray that as I spend time with them I am able to show them love and care for them, as the Christian community isn't very large and it can be easy to feel alone.
I sense a peace about my decision to stay here for another, and I have so many hopes and dreams for the next year. I am praying for the changes that I know are going to occur in my school and with my team, because several of my teammates have decided to move on with other ventures next year. I am praying for the relationships that I have with students and at YoungLife and with those kids that attend my English Klub. I hope that I can become bolder and more courageous in my faith. I pray that I can continue to have relationships with everyone back at home. I also pray that I will grow in the Lord and that my passion for Him would continue to change me in drastic ways.
I ask that as I continue into this coming year that you would keep me in your prayers and those here in the Czech Republic. It is a country that has experienced so much in the last century and is continuing to change everyday, I hope that these changes will help to bring the Czech people to the Lord.
Thank you for your prayers and support these past two years and know that I am keeping you in my prayers daily! I'll talk to you all soon! Thanks again!