I have heard it said many times since I have been here that all Czechs are musicians. After the last year of being here and absorbing the sounds of all the beautiful music around me I believe that this just might be true. "Czech's Got Talent!"
I don't know about you, but being committed to going to church every week can sometimes be a struggle for me and it has gotten even harder since I have come to a place that I don't have long-standing deep roots or complete understanding of the entire service. Yeah, it is a great place to see people, fellowship with others, be fed spiritually. But how easy is it for that sneaking thought to creep in of, "it's my only day to sleep in," or "I don't feel welcome there," or "I don't feel like I get anything out of it," or some other such excuse. And if you haven't ever felt like this, I am totally impressed!
In the last year, I have had to learn many times over that it is really not about me. God has taught me many things about glorifying and thanking Him with all my being regardless of how I feel or what I am capable of understanding.
There are so many examples in the Bible where it says things about glorifying or exalting God just because He is: no stipulation, not because He gave me something, or because I am comforted by the believers around me, etc., etc., but just because He is who He is and He is Holy, worthy of praise.
Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. Psalm 63:3
Praise the Lord! Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Psalm 106:1And in Revelation, the four living creatures never cease in saying their praise, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come" (Revelation 4:8). I mean, for all eternity, day and night, they will state the holiness of God.
And while some might argue that this could just as easily be done in private, I see so many instances in the Bible where corporate worship is encouraged and talked about that I can't let myself believe that I would be right in thinking that I could ignore it, even for a time. In fact, in the book of Hebrews, it says "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another" (Heb. 10:25a).
So while it may seem as if I have gone off on a random tangent, I did have a purpose behind this little soapbox of mine. This month, like many other people in my organization, I have been trying to focus on the things that I am grateful/thankful for in this life. And I have at times struggled with holding myself in check and accountable to the fact that I need to remember that life isn't really about me, especially church. It is great if I enjoy the fellowship with other believers and am able to minister to those around me, but on those days when staying in bed seems like the easier option because I don't want to listen to yet another translated sermon, or sing songs I don't know, or I just feel grouchy, I need to remember some of these facts. Thus, here I am saying that I'm so entirely thankful for the welcoming church family that I have come to know and love here in the CZ. I am thankful for the translations that occur each week so I don't have to sit in utter ignorance of what is going on around me. I am thankful that I was able to find a church that preaches the truth of God's Word each week. But most of all, I am thankful to be praising an infinite, all-powerful God that is bigger than my singular voice and is more worthy of praise than I can begin to comprehend and that includes when I don't understand at all!
Here is the copy of the convicting song that we sang last week that started me thinking about all this in the first place. Hope you are having a great week!
Díky za Tvůj kříž, jenž nás vykoupil,
když ses nám vydal cele do rukou.
Ó, Pane náš, ó, Pane náš.
Naše skutky zlé, tys' nám odpustil,
přikryl krví svou, na vše zapoměl.
Děkuji, děkuji.
®: Pane, mám Tě rád, vážne mám Tě rád,
stále poznávám, že Ty miluješ nás,
hlubokou radostí,
těšíš srdce mé, ale největší je to,
že mohu znát Tvou radost z nás.
Pro mé nemoci trpěls Pane náš,
abys vzal náš strach, lásku vyléváš. Ó, Pane náš, ó, Pane náš.
Skončil úkol tvůj, tvé je vítězství, těď nám dáváš růst,
z vody živé pít. Děkuji, děkuji.
Thanks for your cross, which redeemed us,
when you gave us entirely into your hands.
Oh, our Lord, O our Lord.
Our evil deeds, you forgive us,
covered by his blood, you forget everything.Thank you, thank you.
®: Lord, I love you, seriously, I love you,
still I recognize that You love us,
profound joy,
my heart is pleased, but the biggest joy is that
I know that Your joy from us.
For my illness, suffering Our Lord!
you took our fear, pouring out love. Oh, our Lord, O our Lord.
He finished the task of yours, victory is yours, now you give us growth,
living water to drink. Thank you, thank you.