Sunday, May 16, 2010


So since my last update, I have found out all sorts of cool and exciting things. I have found out the names of my roommates for one thing! I’m pretty psyched about that. Their names are Ashley and Shelly. They seem very sweet and as excited as I am.

A few cool things about them. First, I had barely even opened the email, found out their names and logged on facebook to “friend” the two of them, when I saw that I had a post on my wall from Matt Friedlund. His message said that I was going to be rooming with a friend of his. How small of a world right? Total God-thing as one of my favorite book characters would say. :-) I find it very exciting that God is sending me a mutual friend along for the ride in Ashley. Shelly, on the other hand, I have learned has already spent a good chunk of time in the Czech Republic and will be able to give me some great insight into the country. I’m really excited about the knowledge and love of the people that she possesses. It already provides me with even more of a peace about who God has chosen for me to live with while I’m talking to others about Him. I’m just ecstatic and I haven’t even met them yet!

This week I send in the second half of my visa paperwork. Major prayers that I understood all of the language stuff and did all of the details correctly!

Speaking of prayers…HUGE yes answer was that I managed to get all of my medications for the entire year today. Even though I had to pay for it out of pocket, I was able to do it thanks to the help of a lot of prayer, a lack of prescription health care coverage, and a very kind doctor and nurse that know me and my situation well.

Well, I have the 11th annual Grace Youth Retreat this weekend!! YAY! I’m so excited! I love these guys! Pray we have open hearts, safety, and for once, decent weather! Lol. Talk to you all soon! Thanks for everything!